Terms & Conditions
Effective - Febuary 13th, 2023
By using the Autoaddress.com website, our products, or our services, you agree to be bound by our terms and conditions and those of our data suppliers.
Terms & Conditions are subject to change without notice. Autoaddress will update this page as and when required, including the date above, to ensure that you always have access to the most up-to-date version.
UK Data - Royal Mail PAF
For UK addresses, Autoaddress works with the Royal Mail to ensure that our services provide you with up-to-date data.
As part of our agreement to use the Royal Mail PAF (Postcode Address File) data, as an End User you must review their End User Terms.
The Royal Mail Postcode Address File, also referred to as PAF, is the UK database containing all known delivery points and postcodes within the United Kingdom. With over 29 million postal addresses and 1.8 million postcodes, this is the most accurate database for your UK requirements, and it is connected to our Autoaddress Form ™.